Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Return of the Anonymous Scott Ashjian

Ned Barnett

My anonymous correspondent, the one who claims to not agree with Scott Ashjian's politics but who likes the man personally, has had another anonymous melt-down, writing me an impassioned, illogical email that proves he isn't what he initially claimed to be (a disinterested personal friend/political opponent), while proving just how dishonest the real Scott Ashjian is.

I have come to believe that these "anonmymous" emails are, in fact, coming from Scott Ashjian himself. Any man who'd steal others' good name and ensure Harry Reid's election while claiming to oppose Reid would also write this kind of rubbish. Take a look at what he's now saying ... then look at my response. The debater in me makes me want to refute every charge, but the truth is, this is so preposterous that no rebuttal is really needed ... but I couldn't resist.


PS - If anyone has a reverse directory program and can identify by name "" I would very much like to know if this is really Scott, or perhaps Barry Levinson, or one of his other supporters. I'd like to know who's wasting all of our time. Thanks - Ned


Here's what Anonymous-Scott wrote:

Dear Mr. Barnett,
Now you have seen that everything I told you was true. Scott is not a Reid pawn. He is a devoted family man, Christian and conservative.
But you continue to criticize him because he is just an every day working guy and not an established politician. There is nothing about his politics or positions that you can criticize, because they are essentially the same as those of your Tea Party. But since he is not "in" with your little clique, he is treated as the devil reincarnate. Why are you people so closed minded that you cannot simply admit the real truth.
1. You are all part of the good ol' boy Republican network, and not true representatives of any real conservative movement.
2. You are shills for the GOP.
3. There is nothing wrong with Scott's position on issues, and in fact, his stance is much more in line with those of the self-professed Tea Party than Danny or Sue!
4. If Scott won't let you be the quarterback, you are just going to take your ball and go home.
5. Scott is the only true conservative running for senate.
6. Not one of you do-gooders have the balls to stand up to Reid, or the establishment, or the hypocrisy of the GOP, and all of you are just jealous that Scott is man enough to take them all on.
Why don't you take a look in the mirror and ask yourself who you really are? Are you the establishment's gopher, or do you have the guts to stand up for what you pretend to be?
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!

Here are my point-by-point replies:

From: []

Dear Mr. Barnett,
Now you have seen that everything I told you was true. Scott is not a Reid pawn. He is a devoted family man, Christian and conservative.

NED: First, since you insist on remaining anonymous, and since “Scott Ashjian” has been very effective in hiding from the grass roots and those members of the press willing to ask tough questions, I have to conclude that you and Scott are one in the same. From here on, I’m going to refer to you by your real name, “Scott.”

“Scott,” “you” may be a Christian. “You” may be devoted to “your” family. How the hell should I know? “You’ve” done nothing to demonstrate that “you” are, or aren’t. And frankly, I don’t care about “your” religious faith (if any) or “your” devotion to “your” family (if any). What I do know is that “you” are NOT a conservative. Any REAL conservative would know that by muddying the water in a two-party race in which Harry Reid is the clear loser – by creating a three-way race and skimming off 15 percent of the votes among ignorant conservatives who think the party name means something – “you” hand the race to Reid. The RJ published those findings, and many other polls show the same thing. No REAL conservative would allow his ego to re-elect Harry Reid … but a Reid pawn like “you” would eagerly pretend to be anything that would get Harry Reid elected.

But you continue to criticize him because he is just an every day working guy

NED: Au Contraire mon cher … your typical “every day (sic) working guy” isn’t facing disciplinary action from the Nevada Contractors Board and isn’t dealing with an IRS Lien, as “you” most certainly are. I’d say that “you” are a very exceptional guy – one under criminal suspicion or action from both state and federal government regulatory agencies. Typical everyday working guys don’t have these problems which “you” do.

and not an established politician.

NED: All this means is that “you’ve” never run before. Doesn’t prove a thing, except … “you’ve” never run before.

There is nothing about his politics or positions that you can criticize, because they are essentially the same as those of your Tea Party.

NED: This gets to the heart of the issue. Talk is incredibly cheap. “You” have (very briefly, in very controlled environments) talked the talk. But the REAL Tea Party’s pissed off, and rightly so, because – although “you” have NEVER participated in any tea party event, organization, discussion group, etc. – “you” have purloined our good name. “You’ve” mouthed the mouth, but “you” have NOT walked the walk. “You’re” a fraud in sheep’s clothing, and the entire grass roots tea party movement is up in arms against “you.” Did you see the 20-group resolution condemning “your” fraudulent usurpation of our good name? Do you REALLY believe there is nothing to criticize? Do you REALLY think that every grass roots tea party group in Nevada is criticizing “you” for nothing? Then “you’re” not as bright – or not as honest – as “you’d” like me to believe.

But since he is not "in" with your little clique,

NED: I’m sorry, but my “little clique” includes tens of thousands of politically-active conservative Nevadans who have walked the walk – showing up at Tea Party rallies, taking it to the street at politicians’ “Town Hall Meetings,” spent endless hours debating conservative policies and current politics, and buttonholing friends and neighbors and getting them involved. I hardly think that this is a “little clique.” More to the point, I don’t think “you” really think we’re a “little clique” – if “you” did, “you’d” have never wasted “your” time or money by stealing our good name. “Your” logic is flawed, “Scott.”

he is treated as the devil reincarnate.

NED: Not really, “Scott.” We treat “you” as a thief, a dishonest and fraudulent individual who is pretending to be something that “you’re” not – a grass-roots conservative. We treat “you” as a “man” who is pretending to be something that “you’re” not in order to re-elect one of the most despicably-liberal Senators in America, by stealing our good name. That doesn’t make “you” the devil incarnate – just a “man” beneath our contempt, a thief and a liar and a fraud.

Why are you people so closed minded that you cannot simply admit the real truth.

NED: “Scott,” you’re one to talk about the “real truth.” You purloined a name, “Tea Party,” that you had no right to. That’s the “real truth.” It doesn’t take a closed mind to see that truth – but it takes a very closed mind – “your” closed mind – to pretend that the truth doesn’t matter.

1. You are all part of the good ol' boy Republican network, and not true representatives of any real conservative movement.

NED: “Scott,” you’ve told me that you don’t agree with “Scott’s” positions, which suggests that “you” wouldn’t know a real conservative if he shot you in the ass with 12-gauge rock salt. If “you” knew anything about the grass roots tea party people “you’re” trying to bamboozle by stealing our good name, “you’d” know that we are at 180 from the “good ol’ boy Republican network.” We have no more use for RINOs than we have for “you,” “Scott,” or that liberal Democrat Barry Levinson who is “your” apparent puppet-master.

2. You are shills for the GOP.

NED: And how would “you” know that, “Scott?” I guess “you” figure that one fraud can spot other frauds … but “you’re” too blind to see the real truth about the people that “you” are trying to hornswoggle.

3. There is nothing wrong with Scott's position on issues, and in fact, his stance is much more in line with those of the self-professed Tea Party than Danny or Sue!

NED: See above, “Scott,” – “you” talk the talk (in very controlled-access environments), but “you” have never even tried to walk the walk. “You” don’t stand anywhere, “Scott,” because you refuse to stand at all and face those who “you’ve” wronged with your theft of our good name.

4. If Scott won't let you be the quarterback, you are just going to take your ball and go home.

NED: “Scott,” it’s not up to "you" to decide who is the “quarterback.” The only thing "you’ve" gotten right all night, “Scott,” is that it is our ball. And our game. And our NAME. And “you,” “Scott,” have no right to take our name or play our game.

5. Scott is the only true conservative running for senate.

NED: Now you’re getting really delusional, “Scott.” “You” haven’t been true about anything … and if “you” think “you’re” more conservative than Bill Parson, “you” truly are fruity as a nut-cake. Bill is a true conservative, with a career-long record of performance and NO IRS Liens and NO Nevada Contractors Board investigations for fraudulent business dealings – dealings in which “you” showed us “your” true colors, even before “you” stole our good name. Other track-record-conservatives include Sharron Angle among our pantheon of candidates for the right to oppose Harry Reid.

6. Not one of you do-gooders have the balls to stand up to Reid, or the establishment, or the hypocrisy of the GOP, and all of you are just jealous that Scott is man enough to take them all on.

NED: “Scott,” “you” remind me of Robert Duvall in “True Grit” when he said, “that’s mighty bold talk for a one-eyed fat man.” “You” don’t have the balls to stand up to the people “you” claim to lead – the real tea partiers in Nevada – and as for standing up to Reid, “you” are standing up FOR Harry Reid … working to ensure that he wins in a three-way race.

And just to pretend that “you” are a different person than “Scott,” (which I no longer believe), “YOU” don’t even have the balls to stand up to me, to give me “your” name, “Scott.” “You” hide behind anonymity, a pigmy hiding in a hollow log yelling insults at giants out there contending with the biggest political machine in America. Do NOT give me any more bullshit about “courage.”

However, I do appreciate the fact, “Scott,” that “you” think we are out there doing good. I’m surprised “you” can even recognized “good.” Starting with a lie and a theft, “you” wouldn’t know truth if … but I already told “you,” didn’t I?

Why don't you take a look in the mirror and ask yourself who you really are?

NED: I know who I am, “Scott.” I don’t hide behind anonymity. But who are “you?” Do “you” even know?

Are you the establishment's gopher,

NED: “Scott,” have “you” considered that Harry Reid is “the establishment” – and that “you” are ensuring that Harry Reid will win in a contested three-way race? Who’s the REAL establishment gopher, “Scott?” Do “you” have a mirror?

or do you have the guts to stand up for what you pretend to be?

NED: One last time, “Scott.” I don’t hide behind anonymity. I stand up for who I am and what I believe in. I walk the walk, putting in time at rallies and on discussion groups, while “you” hide behind anonymity (when you write me) and behind an answering machine when “you” are really “Scott.”

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!

NED: Which leaves you out, “Scott.” No thief, no liar, no fraud can be counted as a “good man.”

But thanks for once again displaying your ignorance, and allowing me yet more fodder for my blog. Keep ‘em coming, “Scott.”

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