Wednesday, March 10, 2010

False Flag - Harry Reid's Secret Weapon, "Tea Party of Nevada" - Tea Party Squared

By Ned Barnett (c) 2010

Summary: Previously unknown group forms an official political third party called the "Tea Party of Nevada" - leaders and members of this Tea Party Squared are unknown to active Nevada grass roots, tea party and constitutional conservatives, who want to know, "is this a false flag operation intended to split the real grass roots tea party in two and help elect Harry Reid?

The Details: A group calling itself the Tea Party of Nevada, which I've dubbed "Tea Party Squared," has been created as a political party in Nevada pursuant to NRS 293.171(1). They have filed the appropriate paperwork, along with a petition with 505 names - half of which proved unverifiable; however, only half (250) were needed for the process, so the Secretary of State in Nevada, Ross Miller, had no choice but to grant this group status as a third party in Nevada.

However,there is significant concern in the grass-roots constitutional conservative movement in Nevada that this is a "false flag" operation - a group of liberals and Harry Reid supporters who are masquerading as constitutionally-conservative grass roots activists with the intent of splitting the movement and drawing electoral strength away from the real Tea Party and grass roots organizations.

To date, the leaders of this new Tea Party of Nevada - Tea Party Squared - have refused to talk with the media, to answer questions ... actions virtually unknown among legitimate political parties, which depend on press coverage to attract attention, donations and votes. This, along with the apparent invisibility of the forming members of this group - who are unknown among the state's real tea party activists, men and women who've been pushing constitutionally-conservative governance for more than a year now, makes the Tea Party Squared group's activities even more suspicious.

Members of the interconnected network of grass-roots tea party groups - including 9/12 groups, patriot groups and constitutional conservatives who attend rallies without joining a specific group - are all baffled by this move. Since the filing became public, there has been a buzz of communications between and among the various meet-up groups and others, such as Nevada Patriots and Oath Keepers - and to date, none of the officers or members are known to any tea party activist.

Several members of these groups claim to have recognized one of the names, Barry Levinson, as a prominent local Democrat activist attorney of long-standing, but this has yet to be confirmed. What is known is that Levinson is a personal bankruptcy attorney with offices on South Rainbow (as well as in Parumph) - his Rainbow office is also the official legal place of business of the party's yet-to-be-declared US Senate candidate, Jon Ashjian, and Levinson also has a paid-for radio show on Fox Sports.

The grass roots movement in Nevada is looking for documentary information on the current and past political affiliations of the officers and executive committee members of Tea Party Squared, which can be found in their filing to the Nevada Secretary of State:

These include:

Dr, Sid James, Chairman
Curtis Atwood, Vice Chairman
Eric Scholer, Second Vice Chairman
Barry Levinson, Secretary
Daniel Hayden, Treasurer
Kiana Hayden, At Large Member
Romy Ashjian, At Large Member
Keith Ozawa, At Large Member
Jim Ebel, At Large Member

The Las Vegas Sun's Jon Ralston reported that Jon Ashjian will be Tea Party Squared's U.S. Senate candidate on the November ballot. To date, Ashjian has not yet declared his candidacy, but he has filed for the position.

The Los Angeles Times wrote that ... "by virtue of his existence, potential candidate Jon Ashjian – whoever he is – could make a big difference in Nevada’s hotly-contested Senate race ... A credible third party option could split conservative votes enough to make Harry Reid very, very happy."

Note that even the LA Times can't figure this guy - or his group - out. He and his Tea Party Squared organization are total unknowns, which makes both Republicans and tea party activists suspect that Tea Party Squared is indeed a false flag operation intended to split the tea party movement, rather than to represent it.

Anyone with documented, verifiable information about who any of these new Tea Party Squared leaders are - or who Scott Ashjian is - should contact me, the Capitol Curmudgeon ( or members of any one of the legitimate grass-roots conservative information, then trust the network to get it out to the public.

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1. If you are from the news media, you may quote any part of this blog with attribution (please don't take it out of context)
2. If you're a blogger, re-publish this in full, unedited
3. Credit the author, Ned Barnett
4. Note that it is republished with permission
5. Include a link back to this blog

Thank you - Ned Barnett

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